Queens Park shut down by Grassy Narrows supporters with chemical dump

RELEASE                                                                              Thursday June 23, 2016 Queens Park shut down by Grassy Narrows supporters with chemical dump Banner reads: When will you clean it Wynne? Toronto – Today, Grassy Narrows First Nation dumped a barrel of a substance that appeared to be mercury in front of Queens Park – forming a shiny pool of slow […]

MOECC response to request for info Nov 12 2015

Note re Burried Mercury Barrels in Dryden

ON ignored confession of toxic mercury dump upstream from Grassy Narrows.

Toronto – Last summer Kas Glowaki, a former Dryden mill worker, made a shocking confession. In an email letter Glowaki wrote that his conscience forced him to admit to participating in the shallow burial of 50 barrels of salt and highly toxic liquid mercury in a pit behind the Dryden mill in 1972 upstream from Grassy Narrows First […]

Pictures: Grassy Narrows Speaks

Over 300 people gathered in Toronto at Ryerson University on Tuesday, May 31, 2016 to hear from Judy Da Silva and Chief Simon Fobister of Grassy Narrows, Andrea Chrisjohn from Toronto Council Fire and filmmaker Avi Lewis. The event also included powerful speeches from Grassy Narrows youth who also performed their hit song ‘Home to […]