Mercury Survivor Vigil on World Water Day
This Thursday, March 22 on World Water Day, Grassy Narrows will hold a Mercury Survivor Vigil to remember families poisoned by mercury.
The vigil will be held in Dryden, ON, where a pulp and paper mill dumped 10 tonnes of toxic mercury into the Wabigoon River in the 1960s, poisoning the people upstream.
Here are two ways you can support this powerful action:
1) Make a donation.
Please donate to make the Mercury Survivor Vigil a success. Anything helps! Donations will pay for gas, food, and materials.
Send e-transfers to
Question: What is this for?
Answer: grassyvigil
2) Share social media posts on Thursday.
Help amplify the action by sharing posts and news stories. Follow @FreeGrassy on Twitter to share updates from the vigil this coming Thursday.
Grassy Narrows
Peaceful Vigil
To remember our families
Poisoned by Toxic Mercury
March 22, 2018
Location: TBA
9am-2 pm
Since the early 1900’s, the Dryden Mill has been in operation beside the Wabigoon River as a pulp & kraft mill. In 1962-1970’s, 10 tons of toxic mercury was dumped into the river. The poison travelled downstream to our community people that ate fish from the river.
We have lost many family members because of this poison. This event is also to remember our family members living with the health effects of mercury poisoning and remind the people of Dryden about the impacts of mercury we still have to live with.
This peaceful vigil is to go to the source of our demise & strife.
We will arrive at 9am and stay until 2 pm to allow our elders to travel safely home in the daylight.
We will have food & drinks available and have banners and signs to hold throughout the day. We will ask people to bring their lawnchairs & we hope to have a fire to keep warm. All community members, advocates & supporters are invited to attend this vigil.