GOLDSTEIN: The poisoning of Grassy Narrows is Canada’s shame
Think back to March 27, 2019, when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau mocked one of the worst acts of environmental racism Canada has committed against its Indigenous people.
He was speaking to a fundraiser of Liberal fat cats at Toronto’s luxurious Omni King Edward Hotel to members of the pretentiously named Laurier Club, where the price of admission was $1,500 per ticket.
A group of Indigenous protesters interrupted Trudeau’s remarks, with one of them shouting, “people from Grassy Narrows are suffering mercury poisoning, you …”
That’s as far as she got before the protesters were given the bum’s rush by security and Trudeau smugly quipped, “thank you very much for your donation tonight” while the fat cat Liberal audience, laughed, cheered, hooted and applauded.
After the fact, Trudeau apologized.
But the incident briefly brought back into the headlines the multi-generational tragedy of mercury poisoning on the Ontario Indigenous reserves of Grassy Narrows First Nation and Wabaseemoong Independent Nations, the horrific legacy of which continues to this day.
More than 90% of the 1,000 residents on these reserves suffer from the mercury poisoning of the English-Wabigoon river system that federal and Ontario authorities have known about for more than half a century.