Calvert Divests Weyerhaeuser

Calvert, one of the largest "socially responsible"  mutual fund managers in the U.S. has divested from from Weyerhaeuser citing concerns over Weyerhaeuser's violations of the human rights of Indigenous people in Grassy Narrows.  Calvert manages over $13 billion dollars in funds.  June 15, 2009. (more…)

Grassy Narrows’ Litigation Against Ontario Begins

After nearly 10 years winding its way through legal process the Grassy Narrows Trappers' lawsuit is finally being heard in court.  The litigation challenges Ontario's authority to issue logging licenses on Grassy Narrows Territory.  Learn more.


Charges against Grassy Narrows trapper dropped

The Crown has dropped all charges against Roberta Keesick, a Grassy Narrows trapper charged for building a log cabin on her family's traditional lands without a permit.  Similar charges against her non-native partner and helper, have also been dropped.  The cabin building is part of a process of reclamation and revival for Grassy Narrows where people are using the land on their territory to empower themselves and to sustain their families, revive their culture and heal their community.


Mercury Still Killing in Grassy Narrows

Watch Videos from the River Run March and Rally

New River Run March and Rally Photos

Today, 40 years after their river was poisoned by mercury from a paper mill upstream, the health impacts on Grassy Narrows people are worse than ever.

Read on for the shocking health study, the press release,  fact sheet, and to take action.


Paper giant shuns Grassy Narrows conflict wood

North America’s largest office paper producer, Domtar Corporation (UFS-T), has committed to stay clear of Grassy Narrows conflict wood, subject to the longest running Indigenous logging blockade in Canadian history. (more…)