Four things you can do during the Federal Election Campaign

Despite a 2017 commitment by the Government of Canada to build a much-needed Mercury Home in Grassy Narrows, the promised funds were not delivered.
During federal election campaigning, there are four things you can do to support Grassy Narrows and help get commitments from federal parties to provide some basic support for this resilient community dealing with an ongoing mercury crisis.
Here are four things you can do:
1) Attend election town halls and debates with party leaders or local candidates and ask if they are committed to Justice for Grassy Narrows which means:
- $89 million in a trust to build the much-needed Mercury Home and Treatment Center
- Compensation for everyone in Grassy Narrows for the ongoing mercury crisis
2) If candidates or party volunteers come to your door, ask them if the party is committed to Justice for Grassy Narrows which again, means:
- $89 million in a trust to build the much-needed Mercury Home and Treatment Center
- Compensation for everyone in Grassy Narrows for the ongoing mercury crisis
3) Repost from our social media platforms the demand for all federal party leaders to commit to #JusticeforGrassyNarrows. Or write your own message! Just make sure you tag party leaders and us, plus use the hashtag #JusticeforGrassyNarrows. Our platforms:
4) If you’re not on social media, you can call the leaders with the same message:
- Trudeau: 613-992-4211
- Singh: 613-236-3613
- Scheer: 613-992-4593
- May: 613-996-1119
Here is an image you can print and bring to town halls/debates:
Poster - will you commit to justice - 11 x 17Over 90% of community members in Grassy Narrows have signs of mercury poisoning and require treatment or long-term care. Currently, people have to drive many hours to nearby cities to get treatment. Some mercury survivors are in long-term care facilities far from their loved ones.
Grassy Narrows people are asking for a Mercury Home that would provide the health care that they need to deal with mercury poisoning.
Is that so much to ask?
They are also demanding that everyone impacted by the mercury crisis receive compensation from the government. Currently, only 6% of the community receives compensation, even though everyone is impacted by the mercury crisis – on their health, culture, and livelihoods.
You can help bring an end to 50 years of neglect by demanding that all political parties commit to building the Mercury Home and provide compensation to mercury victims.
Together, we can make this a national issue and help Grassy Narrows finally get some justice.
Thank you for taking action for Grassy Narrows!