River Run 2019: Walk with Grassy Narrows for Mercury Justice!

Wrap-up video
Audio of speeches
Coverage on CTV
Rain or Shine!
Date: Thursday, June 20, 2019
Time: 12pm
Location: Queen’s Park, 111 Wellesley St W, south end of park, in front of legislature building, College St & University Ave, Toronto
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/2277736285834885/
Walk with Grassy Narrows community members to show that you are with them at this critical moment to achieve mercury justice!
As the pressure mounts for Trudeau to take action, 40 community members will travel 1,700km from Grassy Narrows to Toronto to demand:Build the Mercury Home and Treatment Centre
Compensate everyone in Grassy Narrows for the mercury crisis
The heat is on and you can show you are with the community right now by:
Coming out to this action and sharing the event with your friends
Donating towards travel funds for community members to come to Toronto: https://bit.ly/Donate2Grassy
Asking your organization to endorse the event, sending a delegation to it, and sharing it to your email lists and social media platforms
Signing the petition demanding Trudeau take immediate action: https://you.leadnow.ca/petitions/deliver-immediate-and-comprehensive-mercury-justice-for-the-people-of-grassy-narrows
Contacting Trudeau directly!
Tweet: Your lack of action to help Grassy Narrows is an injustice. Take action now:
1. Build the Mercury Home
2. Compensate the people of Grassy Narrows
3. Visit #GrassyNarrows
If you aren’t on Twitter, you can call Justin Trudeau (613-992-4211) with the same message.
The devastating mercury crisis in Grassy Narrows First Nation has persisted for decades, ever since 9 tonnes of mercury was dumped upstream in the 1960s, with little action from governments to help people to this day.
94% of Grassy Narrows members get no compensation for the serious impacts of the ongoing mercury crisis on their health, culture, and livelihoods.
In November of 2017, then-minister Jane Philpott committed to build and operate a Mercury Survivors Home and Care Center in Grassy Narrows. But only 1% of the cost to build the facility has flowed and the project is stalled. Meanwhile, Grassy Narrows people continue to die early due to mercury poisoning, while others suffer without the specialized care and support that they need.
Trudeau’s Minister of Indigenous Services went to Grassy Narrows on May 29th but left without a deal that would provide certainty that the mercury home would be built and would provide the care that people suffering from mercury need.
Now is our chance to show we are with the community so the Mercury Home can be secured before the fall elections.
Grassy people are powerful leaders in the movement for Indigenous sovereignty and environmental justice. They deserve to be treated with respect and they deserve support.
Come out to show you support Grassy Narrows’ fight for mercury justice!
This is a family friendly event. Rain or shine!
ROUTE: Start at Queen’s Park (south end, in front of Parliament, near College St) march to Indigenous Services Canada, 655 Bay Street, end at Grange Park.
ASL Interpretation available for speeches in Queen’s Park: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uZahHgXVsc&feature=youtu.be
There will be an accessibility van.
We will have giant jugs of water but please bring your own water bottle!
Endorsed by:
350 Canada
Amnesty International
The Art of Resistance on CIUT89.5FM
ASAP (Aamjiwnaang + Sarnia Against Pipelines)
Boreal Action
Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers)
Christian Peacemaker Teams
Council of Canadians
CUPE 3903 First Nations Solidarity Working Group – York
CUPE Ontario
CUPE 3902’s Flying Squad
David Suzuki Foundation
Defenders of the Land
Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario
Fight for $15 and Fairness
Graduate Students, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, UofT
Greenpeace Canada
Idle No More Toronto
IfNotNow Toronto
Income Security Advocacy Centre (ISAC)
Independent Jewish Voices
Jane and Finch Action Against Poverty (JFAAP)
Justicia for Migrant Workers
The Leap
Mining Injustice Solidarity Network
Native Youth Sexual Health Network (NYSHN)
No One is Illegal – Toronto
Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF)
OPIRG Guelph
OPIRG Toronto
OPSEU Local 553
PSAC – Ontario
The Pubic Studio
Rainforest Action Network
Resource Movement – a project of Tides Canada
Rising Tide Toronto
St.Stephen-In-The-Fields Church
Student Christian Movement
SURJ – Toronto (Showing Up for Racial Justice)
Tamil Freedom Coalition
Toronto 350
Toronto and York Region Labour Council
Toronto Council Fire
Toronto Seed Library
United Steelworkers Toronto Area
Workers Action Centre
Yellowhead Institute
York University Graduates’ Student Association (YUGSA)
Send additional endorsements to 2014RiverRun@gmail.com.
If you cannot attend the event, there are many other ways to support Grassy Narrows right now!