Grassy Narrows Fall Harvest Activities


Wild Rice and Reconciliation

In August 2012, Alon Weinberg and other supporters went to Grassy Narrows for a multi-day wild rice harvesting expedition!  Alon shares his account of the slow, long, and rewarding experience of processing wild rice, called Manoomin in Anishinabemowin (Ojibway language), and how this traditional practice plays an important role in Grassy Narrow’s resurgence economy. 

Check out Alon’s Photos and Essay

Learn More about Ecotourism in Grassy Narrows

Fall Harvest Festival at the Slant Lake Blockade.

Grassy Narrows youth gathered at the Slant Lake Blockade site this fall for a harvest festival.  Knowledgeable community members joined them and taught traditional skills including hand drumming, wild rice processing, cleaning and cooking traditional foods.